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GSO Test


Autumn Term

Year 1

y1 addition and subtraction.pdf

y1 number and place value to 10.pdf

y1 number and place value to 20.pdf

Year 2

y2 addition and subtraction.pdf

y2 money.pdf

y2 multiplication and division.pdf

y2 number and place value.pdf

Year 3

y3 addition and subtraction.pdf

y3 multiplication and division.pdf

y3 number and place value.pdf

Year 4

y4 addition and subtraction.pdf

y4 area and perimeter.pdf

y4 multiplication and division.pdf

y4 number and place value.pdf

Year 5

y5 addition and subtraction.pdf

y5 multiplication and division 2.pdf

y5 number and place value.pdf

y5 perimeter and area.pdf

y5 statistics.pdf

Year 6

y6 four operations.pdf

y6 fractions.pdf

y6 number and place value.pdf

y6 position and direction.pdf

Spring TERM


Year 1

y1 addition and subtraction to 20.pdf

y1 length and height.pdf

y1 number and place value to 50.pdf

y1 weight and volume.pdf

Year 2

y2 fractions.pdf

y2 properties of shapes.pdf

y2 statistics.pdf

Year 3

y3 fractions.pdf

y3 length and perimeter.pdf

y3 money.pdf

y3 statistics.pdf

Year 4

y4 decimals.pdf

y4 fractions.pdf

Year 5

y5 decimals.pdf

y5 fractions.pdf

Year 6

y6 algebra.pdf

y6 converting units.pdf

y6 decimals.pdf

y6 percentages.pdf

y6 perimeter area and volume.pdf

y6 ratio.pdf

y6 statistics.pdf

Summer TERM






